• IMG_6614-1727776397877
  • EO Roll On - 49-1739950812302
  • EO Roll On - 55-1727776397188
  • EO Roll On - 56-1727776398024


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FEMININE Roll On Ratings: 0 - 0 votes



Suitable for:

  • PMS syndromes/discomfort
  • Menopause/Pre-menopause syndromes
  • Bloating
  • Headache
  • Mood swing
  • Hot Flush
  • Hormone imbalance

Feminine Roll-On – Pre-diluted essential oil blend, a Natural Remedy for PMS and Menopause 

Are you tired of the monthly struggles that PMS brings, or the rollercoaster ride of menopausal symptoms? We've got a soothing solution just for you! Feminine Roll-On is carefully crafted with a blend of essential oils, including Rose Geranium, Grapefruit, Sweet Fennel, and Ginger, to offer you relief and emotional balance during these challenging times.

Benefits for PMS: The essential oils in this blend have been selected for their unique qualities. Rose Geranium is known for its hormone-balancing properties, while Grapefruit provides a refreshing and uplifting effect. Sweet Fennel and Ginger work together to ease discomfort and reduce bloating, offering a sense of physical relief.

Usage: Roll & rub on lower abdomen to relief discomfort and bloating, roll on neck/wrist/purse areas, rub on palms and breathe deeply to relief emotional discomfort.

Benefits for Menopause: As you navigate the menopausal journey, these essential oils can be your best allies. Rose Geranium and Sweet Fennel can help alleviate hot flashes and mood swings, promoting emotional stability. Meanwhile, Grapefruit and Ginger provide an energizing boost to combat fatigue and maintain focus.

Usage: Roll on neck/wrist/behind ears, rub on palms and breathe deeply to alleviate mood swings, hot flash, emotion imbalance.

Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil, rose geranium, grapefruit, sweet fennel, ginger, vitamin E.


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